
The best and most beautiful things...

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, 
they must be felt by the heart. 
 --- Helen Keller ---

This is one of the first quotes I remember being absolutely captivated by in college.  I loved the idea and the context in which it was quoted to Helen Keller.  I remember reading this quote and beginning to get the feeling that there was much more to life than meets the eye, and that if you really look for the beauty in things, you will find them.  I also remember being enthralled with the idea that the best and most beautiful things in the world were not 'things' but feelings and emotions that touched us.  It's not necessarily that the 'thing' has no beauty or is unimportant, but it is that we give meaning to the things in our life as well as the beauty that we feel.