
Think BIGGER...

Think bigger.  Forget limits. Embrace the idea of endless possibility, it will change you.

I am a big fan of Marianne Williamson's work and remember reading this on a facebook post she had years ago.  Like some of the other quotes I've already selected for this blog, this one brings it back to reminding us that the possibilities are endless, if we only dare to think bigger.  I think it's a message that can't be shared enough, especially with a traditional education system that teaches us to stay within the boundaries of everything.  It takes practice and repetition.  Think about one limiting belief that you have about yourself. Really take the time to think about it.  If you need some help, take a look at the areas in your life in which you feel challenged... that's a space filled with limiting beliefs.  Now, think differently about it.  Even a seemingly set in stone position or situation can shift with the slightest of changes in belief about what's possible.  You never know unless you try!