
You have within you

You have within you more love than you could ever understand. -Rumors


The breeze at dawn

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.  Don't go back to sleep. -Rumi

It has been a (long) while since I've updated this page - as I've mostly been posting on facebook for inspired by quotes.  I feel it's long over due to update and continue spreading as much hope, love, and peace into the world, so I'm back here and will be updating along with fb.  This quote says so much, I had to come back with this.  <3


I see as I am...

I know I am not seeing things as they are, I am seeing things as I AM.
--- Laurel Lee ---

Perception can be a tricky thing.  Sometimes when we think we are seeing things as they are, from an unbiased and neutral standpoint, we are missing the whole point about our being and our gifts.  Howard Zinn's book, 'You can't be neutral on a moving train'  was a great reminder that we have to take responsibility for where we stand and how we see things in the world. This quote, by Laurel Lee, so eloquently tells us that all that we see is through who we are - and we can't separate that out.  Everything we see, comes through the lens of who we are and what our experiences have been in life.  Two different people could be looking at the same piece of art, or interpret the same song or movie, and come up with drastically different results.  That is because we are all unique and have the ability to only see through the lens we have created for ourselves.  When we can recognize that this is part of our power as individuals and know that seeing things as we are is how we are meant to give meaning to things we will be truly free.  It kinda takes our ego out of the equation and just lets us be who we are and see what we see.


To experience peace...

To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful.  It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.

After seeing Jill Bolte Taylor's extremely moving and insightful TED talk, I immediately knew that I had to read her book.  Her TED talk was so incredibly inspiring as she shared an amazing account of a physical and spiritual awakening after experiencing a stroke.  The energy with which she shared her talk was conveyed throughout her little book that recounted the physical aspects of the stroke she endured and the intense recovery period during which she realized the other knowledge and a level of intelligence that we all possess but don't often exercise.  Back in the day, we were not taught in school about the power of our right brain thinking, but we are now so blessed to have stories like these to help us truly live our lives to the fullest by utilizing all of our mental faculties.  I love what she says here because it's a beautiful blend of the practicality of the daily buzzing around in life, infused with an inspiring reminder that we have the ability to find bliss and peace at any time.  It's a reminder to stay in the now, which is something I've been striving to incorporate into my regular routine of life.  


Think BIGGER...

Think bigger.  Forget limits. Embrace the idea of endless possibility, it will change you.

I am a big fan of Marianne Williamson's work and remember reading this on a facebook post she had years ago.  Like some of the other quotes I've already selected for this blog, this one brings it back to reminding us that the possibilities are endless, if we only dare to think bigger.  I think it's a message that can't be shared enough, especially with a traditional education system that teaches us to stay within the boundaries of everything.  It takes practice and repetition.  Think about one limiting belief that you have about yourself. Really take the time to think about it.  If you need some help, take a look at the areas in your life in which you feel challenged... that's a space filled with limiting beliefs.  Now, think differently about it.  Even a seemingly set in stone position or situation can shift with the slightest of changes in belief about what's possible.  You never know unless you try!


The true work of art...

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.
--- Michelangelo --- 

Something about this quote just sings to me - aren't the words so beautifully put together?  Obviously, like with any quote, there are multiple interpretations to what each person was thinking when they made their statements and 'quotes' - but to me, this quote honors the fact that we are all artists - and in all that we create or design, the products are but a shadow of our own perfection that we have within us.  I think this means we all have the ability to translate divine perfection, however you choose to define what divine perfection might mean.  Expressing ourselves is living the life we are meant to live; and artistry through words, images, sounds, tastes, etc., allows us to begin to share who we really are - images of divine perfection.


When I let go...

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
--- Lao Tzu --

This is such a great reminder to put our energy towards what it is we want to see and who it is we want to be in life.  Rather than carrying around old habits and baggage, we get to choose who we want to be and how we want to show up.  This can be in the form of drastic changes or subtle shifts in your choices of focus.  We all have the ability to make choices that allow us to become more of who we are and who we want to be.  Sometimes that includes letting go of the 'ego' and how we identify with titles, positions, statures, achievements, etc.  We can be proud of what we've accomplished in life, but if these identifications inhibit us from breaking free and choosing a new path that our souls know is where we want to be, I think it's safe to let it go and allow yourself to grow.


Know where you are going...

Know where you are going but remain flexible about how to get there.

One of the most sincere, original, and compassionate people I have met through my day job is the one and only, Anne Firth Murray.  She is absolutely dedicated to the ideas of social justice, gender equality, and peace.  Anne has been such a pleasure to work with and I feel blessed to have met her, heard her stories, seen her sincere interest in inspiring college students to care and do something about international women's health and human rights.  This quote is directly from one of Anne's action steps that she outlines in her book Paradigm Found, which not only illustrates her journey in creating the Global Fund for Women, but also shares practical advice for how to make a difference from wherever you are in your journey.  It's such great advice to take to heart - as so often we try and predict what will happen in life and take calculated steps to get us to our desired outcomes, but so often the road looks a lot different than we originally anticipate.  When we are open on the journey, we will see things and experience things that we could not have imagined any better.  Thanks Anne for your inspiration over the years!


You musn't be afraid...

You musn't be afraid to dream a bit bigger, darling.
-Eames, from the film Inception by Christopher Nolan

Oh how I loved this quote when I first heard Eames say it in the film, Inception.  It was a high octane scene and he casually says this quote to a colleague who is a dream architect - and it is oh sooo good.  In a sense we are all our own dream architects - but the dreams we are designing take place in our lives awake.  We are only limited by our own imaginations and the limits we choose to put on our own dreams.  The movie itself is great, in so many ways, but this quote boils it down to not limiting how big you can dream.  It is a simple yet sassy reminder to stretch and reach out a little bigger.


May the Gods grant you...

May the Gods grant you success in every endeavor.
--- Homer ---

This quote is here simply because we can always use a good blessing or wish in anything we undertake in life.  Whether your endeavors are internal journey's of self-discovery, current projects/tasks you are hoping to complete, or big dreams you are daring to chase -- may we have success (and learn the necessary lessons) from every single one. Cheers!