
The remedy for love...

There is no remedy for Love, but to love more.

In anticipation of next week's love-filled, love overloaded day, I share this quote with a touch of irony that it so elegantly presents.  Before we even saw the Christmas trees and decorations come down off of the store shelves, Valentines Day paraphernalia was everywhere.  It's hard not to get overwhelmed by the twisted messages about love and relationships that we receive through the media, but it's important to remember we always have a choice.  We decide what things mean, where we spend our $, how we spend our time, and how to react to the over-consumption of products and gifts on a day that is supposed to be about love.  I LOVE this quote because it can be interpreted in so many different ways, and for very specific situations (i.e. a broken heart), but I like to say it's to remind us that love is the answer for pretty much everything.  Rather than condemning all that we see that we don't like, it is refreshing and re-invigorating to find love in the most unlikely of places.  Start with love for yourself and move outward from there.  As they say, love conquers all :)