
Live from...

Live from the heart of yourself.
--- Oprah Winfrey ---

Over the years Oprah Winfrey has given us an incredible gift in the lessons that she's shared through her show and now through her OWN network.  She is and has been such an inspiration to so many people, and I think it's because she truly practices what she preaches.  I know so many people who have been changed by the messages that she has shared with viewers throughout the years.  This quote, to live from the heart of yourself, has been lived and realized in each decision, message, and outcome that Oprah has shared with the world.  She has practiced authenticity in a space (entertainment) that has been known to stand for the opposite and she made conscious decisions to do so.  Among the many gifts that she's given us all who are lucky enough to share this same lifetime with her in our lives, she has helped to inspire us all to get to know who we really are -- and who we are lives deep inside our souls where, with this quote, she encourages us to live from. Thanks for so much more than can be captured in this short post.  Happy Birthday!