
Know where you are going...

Know where you are going but remain flexible about how to get there.

One of the most sincere, original, and compassionate people I have met through my day job is the one and only, Anne Firth Murray.  She is absolutely dedicated to the ideas of social justice, gender equality, and peace.  Anne has been such a pleasure to work with and I feel blessed to have met her, heard her stories, seen her sincere interest in inspiring college students to care and do something about international women's health and human rights.  This quote is directly from one of Anne's action steps that she outlines in her book Paradigm Found, which not only illustrates her journey in creating the Global Fund for Women, but also shares practical advice for how to make a difference from wherever you are in your journey.  It's such great advice to take to heart - as so often we try and predict what will happen in life and take calculated steps to get us to our desired outcomes, but so often the road looks a lot different than we originally anticipate.  When we are open on the journey, we will see things and experience things that we could not have imagined any better.  Thanks Anne for your inspiration over the years!